Research Statement

My excessive attraction to sense the world from the images of patterns, shapes, and structures has been overseen in all my life. This passion for materiality and the aesthetics response has been a driving force in both my artistic practice and my scientific and architectural studies, leading me to embrace the philosophical perspectives of new materialism and post-humanism [1].

As a result of the Morphogenesis project [2]. I am currently engaged in an artistic research endeavor that I aim to contextualize, challenge, and envision diverse possibilities for knowledge construction. This journey seeks to ignite emotional responses, nurture intuitive intelligence, and encourage divergent thinking by exploring spontaneity and breaking down the boundaries between the human body and the material world.

At the core of my work lies an exploration of engagement and the affordance of materials in artistic practice. In essence, I explore the dynamic force field that emerges from the interaction produced between a creator and their hands-on engagement with materials, employing improvisation as a vehicle. Drawing inspiration from the concept of "affordance" first introduced by Gibson [3], I endeavor to uncover new creative avenues. This materiality gives action to stimulate the creative process and expanded understandings of materials and objects and our connection with them.

My work centers on the creative process as a form of research, emphasizing the cultivation of mastery through intuition and an understanding of the inherent qualities of materials.

The motivating factor behind the research stems from a lifelong journey marked by cognitive challenges as a result of the traumatic events of my childhood. Through a consistent commitment to artistic practice, profound self-reflection, and an insatiable curiosity about my own self, I've arrived at a revelation. I've come to realize that my struggle with convergent thinking (the ability to find a single answer) has, paradoxically, cultivated a mastery of divergent thinking (generating multiple solutions of varying correctness). This divergent thinking is driven by intuition and imagination, leading me to explore creative avenues rich in possibilities.

I became an artist not because I am skilled in the technic, but because the artistic praxis has helped me to how I sense and make sense the world. I have been training the automatic aesthetic response of expression such as; composition in visual art, writing, and creative thinking, those have been evolved in all my life. Spontaneous action without rational thinking goes beyond the creative act has become a natural and automatic behavior in my life. In short, studying the spontaneous act could be a new understanding of the potential of human been.


[1] Barad, K. (2007). Meeting the universe halfway. Quantum physics and the entanglement of matter and meaning. Durham: Duke University Press., Bennett, J. (2010). Vibrant matter. Durham: Duke University Press., Braidotti, R. (2013). The posthuman. Cambridge: Polity Press., Coole, D., & Frost, S. (Eds.). (2010). New materialisms. Ontology, agency, and politics. Durham: Duke University Press., P. Maapalo and T. P. Østern. (2018) The agency of wood: multisensory interviews with Art and Crafts teachers in a post-humanistic and new-materialistic perspective, Education Inquiry, 9:4, 380-396., R. Withagen, & J. van der Kamp. (2018) An ecological approach to creativity in making. New ideas in psychology. Elsevier. 49.1-6., Wolfe, C. (2010). What is posthumanism? Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

[2] Daniel Romero N. ( 2015), Morphogenesis as Superstructure, Volume I: The origin of art and science, Volume II: The origin of the Universe, Volume III: Poetic and theoretical model of perception and creation., Daroni Lab productions Eds., Self-publishing., Italy-Trieste. 2015.

[3] Gibson, J. J. (1982). Notes on affordances. In E. Reed, & R. Jones (Eds.). Reasons for realism: The selected essays of James J. Gibson (pp. 401–418). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate..