The Origin of the Universe

Chaos @ Cosmos
When our inner universe connects with the outer universe, it’s the moment when things can be actually rediscovered.
The poetics of Daniel Romero by the philosopher.

In this artistic research I propose to poetically articulate The origin of the Universe Chaos - Cosmos, as an attempt to sensitize scientists through art, and inspire artists with the science of the cosmos, emphasizing the notion of creative-curiosity. This project is a proposal for an artistic work that invites us to penetrate the transformation of matter - full of energy, strength, and integrity. I borrowed some of the scientific conceptions belonging to the field of physics; namely the theory of Chaos and Cosmos, as evidence for a first reading of the pictorial works, where the integration of empirical and intellectual knowledge of the theories describing the universe stand as a the guideline to arrive at a personal interpretation in the work.

The origin of the universe is conceived merely by the scientific thought through its theories; however, the artistic way of thinking also offers a way of conceiving the universe, one where the cornerstone is the subject, rather than the object. Let us consider a simple way to look at art and science through their thinking style: art is explosive, random, frenetic; it does not obey to rules neither strict limitations. It is to be found in the exploration of different original forms arising from empirical knowledge. I refer to this definition as "Chaos", an unpredictable but determinable system.

In the case of science this style of thinking is linear; science is methodical, rational, formal, systematized. I interpret it as "Cosmos", an ordered or harmonious system. The limits that have been imposed on science in its own creation, is the scientific method […] I believe that the role of art in the process of creation it is essential to observe different possibilities of solution to the same problem, these infinite possibilities to see reality in the art, could open up new realities in the world of science.

Intuition as a tool for knowledge expansion governs the thin line between what we know through our experience and what we project as a potential outcome, without having to follow the same steps every time. Intuition is the way that frees us and strips us of the thought-mechanisms characteristic of the scientific method and the power of rationality, opening up the door to the existence of further possibilities. In order to cross that subtle line between these forms of knowledge, we need intuition to integrate the chaos and the cosmos (order) into our ways of perceiving and creating, thus altering our development and increasing our consciousness as a human beings.